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Archiv-Übersicht     Angebot Nr. 15098

Angebotsdatum: 22. Mai 2024
Art der Stelle: Doktorarbeit / Diplomarbeit
Fachgebiet: Geowissenschaften > Geochemie
Titel des Themas: High temperature Mineralogy of residues in biomass power plants

Institut: Angewandte Geowissenschaften
PD Elisabeth Eiche
Adenauerring 20b
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel.:    Fax.:
Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg
Homepage: http://https://egg.agw.kit.edu/64_989.php
E-Mail Kontakt: mail

Beschreibung: The candidate will have the responsibility to conduct internationally visible research in the BMWK funded project “Optimizing the combustion properties of biogenic residues in biomass power plants” (ResOpt) which is carried out in cooperation with the industry (www.intec-energy.com, https://ib-reichelt.de/). The aim of ResOpt is to define optimized biofuel mixtures, which reduce the amount of slag and other deposits in biomass power plants, which result in shutdown times for revision. Minimizing deposits will thus increase energy efficiency of the plant.
You will focus on the relationship between type of fuel and additives, combustion temperature and the resulting mineralogy and geochemistry of the solid residues. Your responsibility will be:
• designing, performing and evaluating laboratory-based sinter experiments,
• describing reaction pathways both from a mineralogical and thermodynamic point of view,
• evaluating options for slag reuse, and
• supporting and evaluating the transfer of the results into regular operation of biomass power plants.
Results are expected to be published in internationally recognized journals. You will be given the opportunity to prepare a PhD thesis. The project is limited to 2 years but extension is planned.
Methoden: Sintering experiments, temperature dependent XRD & Raman, XRF, SEM, digestion + ICP-MS, modelling
Anfangsdatum: 22. Mai 2024
Geschätzte Dauer: 2 Jahre (Verlängerung geplant)
Bezahlung: E13 (75%)
Sonstiges: Bewerbung bitte bis zum 07.06.2024
