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Archiv-Übersicht     Angebot Nr. 15128

Angebotsdatum: 6. August 2024
Art der Stelle: Doktorarbeit
Fachgebiet: Informatik > Medizininformatik
Titel des Themas: Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis

Institut: Heidelberg University, BioQuant Center, IPMB
PD Karl Dr. Rohr
Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.:    Fax.:
Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg
Homepage: http://www.bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de/research/groups/biomedical_computer_vision.html
E-Mail Kontakt: mail

Beschreibung: The research group Biomedical Computer Vision (BMCV) at Heidelberg University currently offers a PhD position in the field of Biomedical Image Analysis. The aim is the development of novel methods and software for automated analysis of biomedical images using Deep Learning (e.g., segmentation, tracking, registration). The general aim is to improve medical diagnosis and therapy, and the work is carried out in cooperation with biomedical partners.

The BMCV group develops methods and algorithms for analyzing biological and medical images, in particular, cell microscopy images. A wide spectrum of methods are investigated for segmentation, tracking, and registration. A focus is on deep learning methods. The group achieved excellent results in international competitions on tracking.

Candidates must have a Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, or a related discipline. We are looking for a person with experience in Image Analysis and Deep Learning as well as good mathematical and programming skills. Candidates should be highly motivated, team-minded, and interested in interdisciplinary research.

Candidates must have a Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, or a related discipline. We are looking for a person with experience in Image Analysis and Deep Learning as well as good mathematical and programming skills. Candidates should be highly motivated, team-oriented, and interested in interdisciplinary research.

Heidelberg University is a German Excellence University, the oldest University in Germany, and consistently ranked among the top universities in Europe. A research focus is on Biomedicine with close ties to other renowned institutions in Heidelberg.

Please send your application (CV, transcripts, short motivation letter) per E-Mail to:
PD Dr. Karl Rohr
Heidelberg University, BioQuant Center, IPMB, and DKFZ
Biomedical Computer Vision Group
Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
69120 Heidelberg, Germany

E-Mail: k.rohr (at) uni-heidelberg.de or k.rohr (at) dkfz-heidelberg.de

Anfangsdatum: 1. Oktober 2024
Geschätzte Dauer: 3 Jahre
