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Archiv-Übersicht     Angebot Nr. 15184

Angebotsdatum: 8. Januar 2025
Art der Stelle: Doktorarbeit / Diplomarbeit
Fachgebiet: Biologie > Molekularbiologie
Titel des Themas: 2 PhD Positions (Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology): Lipid Droplet Biogenesis and Function

Institut: Saarland University, Department of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / Center for Molecular Signaling (PZMS)
Prof. Bianca Schrul
Kirrberger Str. 100
66421 Homburg
Tel.:    Fax.:
Bundesland: Saarland
Homepage: http://www.uni-saarland.de/fakultaet-m/pzms/gruppe/biochemie-molekularbiologie/schrul.html
E-Mail Kontakt: mail

Beschreibung: We are looking for highly motivated scientists with a master´s degree in natural sciences to join our young and growing team as PhD students. The positions are immediately available at the Department of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / Center for Molecular Signaling (PZMS) of the Saarland University in the research group of Prof. Bianca Schrul.

Our group is interested in the biogenesis and function of lipid droplets. These subcellular organelles dynamically balance the influx, storage and consumption of neutral lipids in nearly all cells of our body and are therefore central hubs in lipid metabolism. Lipid droplets are implicated in a range of human pathologies including hallmark diseases of our modern society such as obesity, diabetes, hepatic steatosis and cardiovascular disorders. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying lipid droplet biogenesis and function as well as pathologic aberrations in these processes remain largely unknown.

Projects in our lab address the following questions:

What are the molecular mechanisms underlying protein targeting and insertion into the limiting membrane of lipid droplets?

Which physicochemical membrane properties drive protein partitioning to lipid droplets?

How is lipid droplet biogenesis from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane regulated?

How do lipid droplets communicate with other lipid metabolizing organelles to adapt to metabolic changes?

We employ a range of biochemical and cell biological techniques including in vitro reconstitution experiments, protein-interaction studies, organelle / protein isolations, CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, RNA interference, quantitative proteomics & lipidomics analyses as well as advanced fluorescence microscopy. We have established close interdisciplinary collaborations in which we integrate our expertise with molecular dynamics simulations, microfluidics, and EPR spectroscopy.

Further information can be found on our lab website.
Anfangsdatum: 1. Februar 2025
Geschätzte Dauer: 3 Jahre
Papers: Dhiman R, Perera RS, Poojari CS, Wiedemann HTA, Kappl R, Kay CWM, Hub JS, Schrul B (2024). Hairpin protein partitioning from the ER to lipid droplets involves major structural rearrangements.
Nat Commun. 15(1):4504. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48843-8. PMID: 38802378

Lyschik S, Lauer AA, Roth T, Janitschke D, Hollander M, Will T, Hartmann T, Kopito RR, Helms V, Grimm MOW, Schrul B (2022). PEX19 Coordinates Neutral Lipid Storage in Cells in a Peroxisome-Independent Fashion.
Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:859052. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.859052. PMID: 35557938

Puza S, Caesar S, Poojari C, Jung M, Seemann R, Hub JS, Schrul B, Fleury JB (2022). Lipid Droplets Embedded in a Model Cell Membrane Create a Phospholipid Diffusion Barrier.
Small 18(12):e2106524. doi: 10.1002/smll.202106524. PMID: 35072348

Dhiman R, Caesar S, Thiam AR, Schrul B (2020). Mechanisms of protein targeting to lipid droplets: A unified cell biological and biophysical perspective.
Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Mar 20. pii: S1084-9521(18)30299-4. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2020.03.004. PMID: 32201131

Schrul B and Schliebs W (2018). Intracellular communication between lipid droplets and peroxisomes: the Janus face of PEX19.
Biol Chem. 2018 Jun 27;399(7):741-749. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2018-0125 PMID: 29500918

Schrul B and Kopito RR (2016). Peroxin-Dependent Targeting of a Lipid Droplet-Destined Membrane Protein to ER Subdomains.
Nat Cell Biol. 2016 Jul;18(7):740-51. doi:10.1038/ncb3373 PMID: 27295553
Sonstiges: We are looking for highly motivated scientists with the following qualifications:

- M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biophysics or a related discipline

- Strong interest in basic biochemical and cell biological research

- Interest in learning / expertise in biophysical approaches to study membrane protein structures & dynamics and/or organelle properties would be a plus

- Excellent communication skills and strong team spirit

- Fluent English (oral and written) is essential

- German language skills are desired

What we offer:

- Our young research team is integrated in an interdisciplinary and diverse research environment offering state-of-the-art technology and excellent scientific exchange.

- Further training opportunities are provided by Saarland University´s Graduate Centre GradUS.

- Modern lab space with excellent infrastructure and core facilities (advanced light microscopy, mass spectrometry, etc.) in a newly constructed research building (PZMS)

- The positions are immediately available.

Please send your application including a cover letter stating your motivation to join our lab and your research interests, a CV, degree certificates and contacts for two references as one PDF file via e-mail to Bianca Schrul.
