1. |
[Dr] Aachen, Institut für Stammzellbiologie, Uniklinikum RWTH Aachen (Zellbiologie) |
Bioinformatician (m/f/d) for Epigenetics of Pluripotent Stem Cells and Aging
2. |
[Dr] [Dipl] Bamberg, Lehrstuhl für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Sonstiges) |
Mensch-Computer Interaktion - Empirie-Promotions-/Habilitationsstelle
3. |
[Dr] [Dipl] Cottbus, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (Technische Informatik) |
Akademische/r Mitarbeiter/in (Promotionsstudierende und/oder PostDoc)
4. |
[Dr] Graz (Austria), Biomedical Informatics (Bioinformatik) |
PhD Position (m/f/d) "A Bioinformatics Approach to Analyzing Epistatic Interactions in Enzymes using Long-read Sequencing Data"
5. |
[Dr] Graz, Austria, Medical University of Graz (Bioinformatik) |
Bioinformatics PhD Position (f/m/d)
6. |
[Dr] Heidelberg, Heidelberg University, BioQuant Center, IPMB (Medizininformatik) |
Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis
7. |
[Dr] Heidelberg, Heidelberg University, BioQuant Center, IPMB (Medizininformatik) |
Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis
8. |
[Dr] Hildesheim, Physik (Theoretische Physik) |
Visualisierung der Relativitätstheorie
9. |
[Dr] Martinsried, Max Planck Institut of Biochemistry (Biochemie) |
Fully Funded PhD Positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life, Munich