1. |
[Dr] Berlin, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin (Molekularbiologie) |
Fully-funded PhD positions in Biomedical Sciences at the MDC Berlin Apply now Add to Favorites
2. |
[Dr] Berlin, Informatik (Praktische Informatik) |
Neuro-symbolische künstliche Intelligenz
3. |
[Dr] [Dipl] Garching, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Sonstiges) |
PhD positions in experimental and theoretical particle physics
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[Dr] [Dipl] Homburg, Saarland University, Department of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / Center for Molecular Signaling (PZMS) (Molekularbiologie) |
2 PhD Positions (Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology): Lipid Droplet Biogenesis and Function
5. |
[Dr] Leipzig, Universität Leipzig, Peter-Debye-Institut für Physik der weichen Materie (Experimentelle Physik) |
Thermofluidic Manipulation of Functionalized Nanoparticles at Chromatographic Interfaces
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[Dr] [Dipl] Potsdam, Biochemie und Biologie (Ökologie) |
Modelling climate-change effects on grassland communities
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[Dr] San Sebastian, Spanien, Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute (Biochemie) |
PhD Position as part of ERC CoG project DORMATRIX